Betekenis van:
let off

to let off
  • verknallen
  • grant exemption or release to





  1. I must let off steam.
  2. Please let me off here.
  3. Tom needs to let off some steam.
  4. Don't let him take his shoes off.
  5. I'll let you off doing the dishes.
  6. That will let you blow off steam.
  7. Let me put off my decision.
  8. I have to let off steam.
  9. Let me help you wipe it off.
  10. Don't let him switch off the light.
  11. The teacher let me off for being late.
  12. Could you let me off in front of the museum?
  13. Please let me off in front of that building.
  14. Let me off at the train station, please.
  15. Please let me off at the next stop.